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The copyright on all images taken or created by All Saints' Photographic Studios is given to and belongs to Stephen Jorgensen and is protected under both Local and International copyright laws.
RETOUCHING OF IMAGES: Any images that are offered with retouching are are retouched to our studios high standards standards. As a standard, retouching is generally only completed on non permanent skin blemishes unless requested otherwise. A pimple or cold sore for example is non permanent, however a scare or a birthmark could be a right of passage worn with pride alternatively an ugly reminder of a bad time that you would like removed. Some marks are beauty spots, some are moles. Please give us guidance when ordering images so we can make you look your best. Some special requests or redo requests may be subject to extra charges payable before any work is released. You will always be quoted before any work is completed.
BASIC PRINTS: Basic prints that have not had the retouching option selected are printed as is. That means they will not be retouched. This option was introduced because many people just wanted a print, nothing fancy just a great value quality print. We still have the retouch option for those that wish to invest in the time and effort required to make a beautiful retouched print.
All images printed by All Saint’s Photographic Studios or displayed on their Web site are retouched and manipulated to produce optimal results. Please also keep in mind that ours computers and our printers are closely calibrated so your prints made on other machines will differ from ours.